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Data Extraction: The Precursor to Data Processing

Data Extraction: The Precursor to Data Processing

Data Extraction: The Precursor to Data Processing

March 10, 2022

Whether you are a global bigwig or a small enterprise, data remains indispensable for your business. With most of it being unstructured, it becomes crucial to process this data to derive meaningful insights. Additionally, the large volume of data that businesses manage daily makes it imperative, logical and smart to automate data processing

When it comes to working with large amounts of data, the most difficult part is finding an integration solution that can manage and analyze various data types from constantly changing sources. If transformed into structured data, most documents can be automatically processed with today's technology. But before that data can be integrated and analyzed or used, data workers must first extract it. Hence, the most significant impediment to the automation of data processing worth trillions of rupees is data extraction.

What is Data Extraction?

The process of collecting or obtaining diverse types of data from a range of sources, many of which are poorly organized or completely unstructured, is known as data extraction. It allows data to be consolidated, processed and refined before being stored in a centralized location and processed. These locations could be on-premises, cloud-based, or a combination of both.

Why is Data Extraction Important?

In today's world, almost every company in every industry must extract data. In such circumstances, you must realize the data source context and apply the appropriate tools to enjoy the benefits of analytics and business intelligence. However, businesses can't fully utilize the potential of information and make the best decisions if they don't have a mechanism to extract all forms of data, even the badly structured and disorganized. This is where data extraction helps them, offering a range of benefits that allow you to:

  • Make well-informed decisions

Enterprises begin by rapidly obtaining raw data from essential sources to tap into business knowledge for faster, better decision making.

  • Boost productivity

Manual processes are time-consuming and expensive regarding the human resources required to complete them. Businesses can reduce the administrative burden on IT workers by using data extraction methods, allowing them to focus on higher-value activities.

  • Reduce errors

When employees manually enter data into systems, they are prone to enter incomplete, erroneous, and duplicate data. Companies can eliminate errors in their business-critical data by implementing automated data extraction systems.

  • Enhance visibility

Your team will be able to get their hands on data faster if you use data extraction to keep on top of data processing. Data is more visible to everyone who needs to view it thanks to this simple procedure of extracting and storing it. Furthermore, when employees have access to the information they require, they do not have to wait for data to be entered into the system.

  • Reduce overall cost

Finally, organizations can save money in the short and long term by automating long and repetitive operations. Also, you don't need to worry about growing and investing in a large crew to handle your data demands in the day-to-day running of your business or as it grows.

What are the Types of Data Extraction?

There are two most commonly opted means of extracting data based on the types of data extracted, that is, structured and unstructured. 

1. Logical Extraction

This type of extraction is done on structured data that has been produced using established models and is ready to be analyzed. It is a simple procedure that is further separated into: 

  1. Full extraction

All data is extracted simultaneously, directly from the source, without the need for additional logical or technological information. This method is employed when data must be extracted and loaded for the first time. This extraction is based on the most recent data in the source system.

  1. Incremental extraction

The changes in the source data are recorded since the last successful extraction, which is indicated by a time stamp, and the changes are extracted and loaded progressively.

2. Physical Extraction

Logical extraction is impossible when source systems have particular limitations, such as being antiquated or unstructured. This is where physical extractions are used. They can be divided into two categories:

  1. Online extraction

It includes capturing data directly from the source system to the warehouse. This necessitates a direct link between the source system and the destination repository. As a result, the extracted information is more structured than the original information.

  1. Offline extraction

Data extraction that takes place outside of the source system is known as offline extraction. The data in these processes might be structured either by itself or by using extraction routines.

How is Data Extracted?

The three most common extraction methods include: 

  • Notification Extraction

Many source systems allow configuration to send notifications whenever a data record changes. For example, databases usually contain a mechanism for this, and SaaS systems usually have webhooks that do the same thing.

  • Incremental Data Extraction 

You can do an incremental data extraction when data sources are not configured to give notifications; however, they can indicate changes since the last extraction. To identify changes, you can create a changing table, check timestamps, or use the built-in change data collection feature, depending on the data source. 

  • Complete Data Extraction

When you initially replicate data from a source, you execute a full extraction. You can also use it when sources don't have a way to notify changes. Again, the logic is easier, but the system burden is higher due to the increased data volumes.

The Way Forward

The most typical data extraction challenges include data security and coherence. To overcome these challenges, you need an AI-based data extraction system that can collate data sensibly, preparing them for post-processing operations. And what better serves the purpose than a cloud-based data management system that adds value to your data processing by conducting quality data extraction, a platform that unifies all your public and private data from various sources into a single repository, is one such solution. Regardless of the source, the platform automatically captures, stores, auto-sorts, and auto-tags data, saving you countless hours of human labor. In addition, we conduct quality data extraction by looking for keywords hidden deep within documents in your sources and revealing relevant data. 

Without recruiting more personnel to handle all of your data, data extraction goes a long way. It gives you more control over your organization's valuable data. So, if you're searching for a data extraction solution to boost productivity, spearhead competition, and improve accuracy, can be the answer. Get single-tenant solutions for your customers with enhanced monitoring and control needs, all at one place!

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