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Delete files

There are multiple ways to delete unwanted data from Follow these steps to delete files that you no longer need
Delete specific files from Feeds or My data
Select the files you would like to delete, and click on the Delete icon.
Delete specific file from feeds on my data
You will see a message asking for confirmation to delete. Click on Yes, Delete.
Click confirm to delete message
Bulk delete
Click the delete icon and select Delete All to delete all files in the selected feed.
Follow this to bulk delete
You will see a message asking for confirmation to delete. Click on Yes, Delete.
Click confirm to delete
Delete from Storage dashboard
Click on your profile icon at the top right corner of the page. Select Needl storage.
Select the app(s) from which you would like to delete data.
Choose specific contacts to delete or select all if you wish for all contacts to be deleted.
Click on the delete icon.
Follow this for delete from storage
You will see a message asking for confirmation to delete. Click on Yes, Delete.
Confirm to delete from storage