How can we help you?

How can we help you ?

News, Blogs and RSS feeds lets you integrate all your preferred websites into one place. Follow these steps to connect/follow a website on
Click on the All apps are synced bar on the top right corner, or go to the Apps & Website section on the left side of the app, and click on Add.
Navigate to the Websites tab.
To follow a website and add it as a source, click on the Follow button in front of the website.
You can assign priorities to the websites by selecting one of the three options - High, Medium, or Low - present in front of the website names
To add a website to your feed, click on  Add to Feeds present in front of the website names. Then, select the Feed name, and click on Done .
To unfollow a website, simply click on the unfollow option.


How does prioritization help? will show you the information in Feeds, and My data based on the priorities you choose. Content from the sources which are prioritized high will come on the top.

If I unfollow a source, does it remove the source content from everywhere in my account?

As soon as you unfollow a source, the content from that source will stop crawling into your account. However, any past content from that source will still remain visible in the account.