How can we help you?

How can we help you ?


Find few more FAQs below.

Where are documents, media and links extracted from?

Documents and media are extracted from your personal data sources, namely, your emails, chats, notes and storage drives. Links are extracted only from your chats.

I found a bug! What should I do?

Please write to with the subject "Bug reporting".🐞

I need immediate support. What do I do?

To reach out to us, please use the chatbot at the bottom right corner of the page or write to with the subject "Request Support". You should receive a response in a couple of hours.

Can my integration stop automatically?

Integrations can occasionally stop because of third-party connections. While we will try our best to prevent such events, we will immediately notify you on the app if this occurs. You should be able to relink and continue!

Can I download data from

You can download individual files by clicking the download button. Bulk download is currently not possible.

How many devices can I use on? can be used across unlimited devices.

Can I upload files on

Currently, you cannot directly upload files on Needl. However, we upload data from physical hard drives if shipped to us. Write to us at to know more.