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Needl Drive

Needl Drive is a secure storage solution that is built into the platform. It is linked to each user's account, offering a set amount of storage space. Users can use Needl Drive to store their files and documents securely on the platform. This data can then be seamlessly integrated with other features. Users can access and leverage their saved files across functions such as note-taking, feed creation, deep search, and more.
Here are some of the benefits of Needl Drive:
Secure storage: Needl Drive offers a secure environment to protect sensitive information.
Integrated functionality: Needl Drive enhances efficiency by seamlessly integrating data with various features and functions
Needl Drive helps create a more efficient and integrated workflow within the platform. By offering a centralised and secure location for data storage, it enhances the overall user experience.

To access Needl Drive, navigate to the Connected Sources section from the left-side navigation and select Needl Drive from the Apps tab.

To upload files directly to your Needl Drive, click on the Upload Files button on the following pages:
Needl Drive → Upload Files CTA
Delete specific file from feeds on my data
App connect page → Needl Drive → Upload files
Delete specific file from feeds on my data
App connect page → Needl Drive → Upload files
Delete specific file from feeds on my data


What file types can I upload to the Needl Drive?

The following file types are allowed to upload to the Needl Drive: Documents, Video, Presentations, Audio, and Images.

Is there a file size limit for uploads to NeedlDrive?

Yes, the maximum file size allowed for uploads to NeedlDrive is 150 MB per file.

Can I upload multiple files at once?

Yes, you are allowed to upload multiple files at once.

Can I create folders in NeedlDrive?

No, currently it is not possible to create folders in NeedlDrive.