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Needl Drive

Needl Drive is a storage drive connected to each account with a defined storage limit. You can use the Needl drive to store your files and documents. Needl Drives data can be used with all the features, such as Note taking, Feed creation, Deep search, etc.
Video Tutorial
You can directly upload the files to your Needl Drive by clicking on the  <upload files> button on these pages-
Needl Drive → Upload Files CTA
App connect page → Needl Drive → Upload files
App connect page → Needl Drive → Upload files


What file types can I upload to the Needl Drive?

The following file types are allowed to upload to the Needl Drive:  Documents, Video, Presentations, Audio, and Images.

Is there any file size limit on uploads?

Yes, the maximum allowed file size is 150 MB

Can I upload multiple files at once?

Yes, you are allowed to upload multiple files at once.