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How to Connect Websites

With, you can easily integrate your favourite websites alongside your apps and capital markets, allowing you to access all your information in one place without switching between multiple tabs.
How to connect websites: Step-by-Step Guide
Click on the Add icon next to Connected Sources in the left navigation panel on the homepage.
Once the menu appears, go to the Websites section and search for your preferred websites by relevant topic or keyword. To connect apps, capital markets, or websites, users can go to the respective tabs and click on ‘Follow’ or ‘Connect.’
For example, if you’re looking for finance-related websites, typing ‘Wall Street’ will show all relevant results.
Simply enter the keywords or website names, and relevant results will appear. You can also add any RSS link directly in the search bar. To obtain an RSS link for your preferred websites, refer to this article.
Click on the Follow button to add the website to your account.

If you wish to unfollow any website click the Unfollow option available next to the respective website.
You can assign a priority to the website, determining the order of results in both feeds and My Data. Choose from High, Medium, or Low priorities. When you set priorities for websites, this will help organize content by importance, determining how results appear in your feeds and My Data section.
You can also add this website to your feeds, ensuring that any feeds you've created will include results from this particular website.
After following relevant websites, you will only see results from websites that have assigned priorities. You need to assign a priority for them to be displayed in the Priority Websites section under Connected Sources.
Additionally, you’ll find results from all the websites added to your account in the My Websites category under My Data.


How do I connect websites to

Click the plus icon near Connected Sources, search for websites, and click Follow to add them.

What will priorities do?

Assigning priorities to websites will help you manage how your content is displayed and accessed in your Feeds. By setting a priority of High, Medium, or Low, you determine the order in which results from these websites appear in both your feeds and My Data section.

How do priority websites affect feeds and other sections?

Priority websites will help determine the order of the content from these sources.

Why are priority websites important?

Priority websites will share the sources, displaying information from those sources at the top of ‘My Feeds’ and ‘My Data’.